Friday, September 9, 2011

Health Benefits of Mango Juice

By Mark Brandeis

Mango is popularly known as one of the most nourishing, delicious and revitalizing tropical fruits. Apart from the health benefit it offers, it is mostly enjoyed due to the virtue of its divine taste. Mangoes are grown in different varieties and all of them are equally enjoyed by people of all ages. The fruit is not only eaten but also hand-squeezed to get the pulp to make juice. Mango juice is an excellent source of vitamins, nutrients and micro elements and is also known to be very effective for weight loss remedies.

Mango juice is extremely rich in potassium which is one of the most essential micro elements for cardio vascular health. One glass of mango juice contains around 300mg of potassium in it, thus, it helps to fortify heart muscles, improve the quality of blood, control blood pressure, improve the function of the nervous system and maintain a substantial balance of fluid in the body.

Many useful health benefits associated with mango juice are sourced from a larger content of phenolic compounds and natural antioxidants. These are extremely anti-cancer in nature especially for prostate, colon and breast cancer. Mango juice is also known to posses anti-aging qualities.

According to health specialists, one glass of fresh mango juice has enough nutrition to fulfill your daily dose of vitamin C up to 50 percent. It means that the benefits of mango juice also include the development of our immune system which defends the human body from flu, cold, and other respiratory diseases.

Freshly squeezed mango juice is also a tremendous source of iron, which is very important for pregnant women. This iron rich tropical treat is also beneficial to prevent and treat anemia, reduce traumatizing effects of depression and ease muscle pain.

Mango juice is also rich in selenium which helps put off heart disease and other such diseases. Medical studies have also revealed that mango drinks also reduce the risk of forming kidney stone as well as keeps away from different kidney related disease.

Mango juice is equally important for people of all ages. You can buy it from stores or make it fresh at home. Freshly squeezed mango beverage is more nutritious as it does not contain preservatives or substitutes. You only need to peel the mango skin and carve out all the pulp from the seed. You can either fuse the pulp in a juicer with orange juice or with milk for a luscious mango shake.

Mango pulp is also processed in the juicer to make different kinds of purees and other flavorsome juices with citrus fruits. Regular consumption of mango extract helps improve memory, improve the digestive system, fight against acidity and heartburn, and concentrate better. With such incredible qualities, mango drinks is highly recommended for students.

It is also praised as an herbal remedy for treating anorexia because it is a natural appetite tonic. It is also highly rich in vitamins B and K, magnesium, copper phosphorous, manganese and various minerals. Medically, all these vitamins and other elements are extremely important for people of all age groups.

Always use high quality hygienic juicer to extract fruit juice. If you are looking for the most efficient juicer, visit our website. You will find one of the most functional juice extractor at:

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Cutting Out Sugar And Staying Slim!

By Marissa Peer

Obesity levels in the UK and across the western world are soaring and current dietary advice is failing to make any impact because the advice is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Diets fail to sustain and maintain weight loss as cutting calories and restricting the amount you eat not only fails to work long term; it actually encourages binging and cravings.

Many people do not know staying slim means lowering your carb intake. A low fat high carb diet will make and keep you fat. That's why the western world has so many obese people whereas other parts of the world have people who stay at a normal weight without ever dieting. If you want to beat the staying slim battle you have to make your body a super efficient fat burning machine and the way to do this is to eat the foods nature put on the planet for us. Nature did not make pasta, cakes, biscuits, margarine and colas and when we eat refined processed foods we end up gaining weight and storing more fat even if these foods are low in calories. This is why some of us struggle with staying slim because we eat processed foods that are full of chemicals. The body produces more internal fat to keep the chemicals away from our vital organs. When we eat sugar and starch our blood sugar and insulin levels shoot up and we store more of the very fat that we want to get rid of.

Sugar, not fat, stops you from staying slim

It is a fact that the body simply cannot store fat unless insulin is present in the body and insulin is only present in the body when you eat carbohydrates. Overeating carbs can make and keep you fat because it's impossible to sustain weight loss with a high carb diet and it's almost impossible to gain that weight back if you are not eating very many carbs. Instead of living on cereals, pasta, sandwiches, crackers and snacks we need to go back to eating real and proper food. This becomes easier to do as you realise that our ancestors didn't eat the carbs we eat today and it's simply because they did not have mills, ovens or refineries. Carbs literally train your body to store fat and resist losing it, which is why a modern diet makes people fat. Thai/ Japanese diets on the other hand, include one carb (rice) and so anyone following this diet has no problem with staying slim. Your diet should be primarily eggs, fish, meat, chicken, and any other proteins like lentils and chickpeas with vegetables, salads, fruits, nuts and seeds. With these things, you don't even need to count calories.

Unless you are running a marathon...

Athlete's carb load for the very reason that the body stores carbs for energy and of course they use up the energy in running but if you are not doing marathons then this is pointless. We have all heard of runner's pasta loading before they compete because they will need that energy later. This leads many people to then eat carbs to get the energy to exercise, but if an overweight person does this all they do at the gym is burn off those carbs and not the stored fat. We don't need carbs to give us energy to exercise, after all, what do you think the Masai and Zulus did before running, hunting or going into battle? They did not pasta load as they didn't have pasta or rice or even bread as we know it, because they also didn't have mills or ovens or refineries.

Staying Slim: What to Eat and How to Eat

It is really simple if you eat from the 4 R's Ask yourself these questions before you decide what to eat:

  1. Does this food Roam or grow on the planet?
  2. Can I Recognise it as a food?
  3. Can I eat it Raw (even if I would prefer not to)?
  4. Does it Rot?

Fish, pears, peas and eggs either roam or grow, you can eat them raw, you can recognise them and they rot. Donuts, pringles, twiglets, margarine and colas do not grow or roam, you could never recognise the ingredients in them or eat them raw and far from rotting they will still be intact in 20 years. Ask yourself those questions before you eat and you will make the right choices. Also ask yourself; is this food fat burning or fat storing? And where is the protein? If you eat eggs for breakfast you will burn fat, if you eat cereal or toast and jam you will store fat and if you eat an egg on toast you will be neutral as the protein in the egg slows down the sugar levels in the toast.

Go to my Blog: or read my ground breaking bestselling book You Can Be Thin for more information.

Read Can Burning Pringles Make You Slim and Being Slim: It's All In The Mind on my website,

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Can Drinking Water Make You More Flexible?

By Amira Lamb

What yogi doesn't want to improve their flexibility?

Practice, proper breath work and technique can do a lot for overall flexibility. There is one other factor that can help to increase flexibility from something you INGEST. WATER!

Water is probably the most underrated nutrient of them all. Not only is it responsible for gorgeous skin, it is also responsible for all cellular functioning like:

  • providing cushioning for our tissues, joints, and organs
  • transporting oxygen and nutrients
  • digestion and waste elimination
  • regulating body temperature
  • circulating the blood and lymph
  • absorbing heat from the muscles.

Most people drink less pure, unadulterated water than they should in order for these processes to function optimally. In fact, it's estimated that 75% of Americans are running around chronically dehydrated. Mild dehydration is reported to slow the metabolism, increase hunger, trigger daytime fatigue and hinder concentration.

What most people aren't aware of is that chronic dehydration can also effect flexibility or our ability to adapt to the challenging vinyasas and sequences. How so?

Throughout the body we have connective tissue called fascia. The fascia is a three-dimensional web of tissue that envelopes every muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, organ, gland, nerve, and every single cell. Our fascia keeps everything in its rightful place. Animals have it too. Imagine an uncooked chicken leg. You might notice the thin, white, stretchy and somewhat slimy layer of film that surrounds the entire leg, but also between the skin and muscle and between the segments of muscle. We have this same filmy tissue and when it is fully hydrated, it is stretchable and slippery. When the fascia is dry, it is dry and stiff. Our fascia can be compared to saran wrap. If you try to glide 2 pieces of saran wrap past each other it won't work. They will stick to each other. However, if one of them is a little wet, they will glide past each other. No sticking.

Just like saran wrap, when dry, the fascia sticks to surrounding tissue making movement with complete freedom or ease more difficult or limited.

Your water needs are extremely variable and depend on your overall health, level of activity, metabolic rate, time of day, and the temperature (including the humidity of the air) of where you are. The standard recommendation for daily fluid intake is to drink one half to one ounce per pound of bodyweight. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should consume 75 to 150 ounces of fluid per day. If you've lost water weight during an exercise session or event, it's important to also consume fluid to replace that weight. It is recommended that for every pound lost in exercise an athlete should drink approximately 20 ounces of fluid.

If you're only drinking one glass of water a day now, don't start drinking a couple of liters a day thinking it will benefit you. It's actually best to increase your water intake gradually to avoid stress on the kidneys, eye puffiness, swelling around the ankles or other signs of inflammation. Too much water too soon can even be fatal for someone who is either severely dehydrated or has been dehydrated for years.

To gradually increase your water consumption here are some helpful tips:

Add only one glass of water per day to the regular amount of water that you have already been drinking. If you're drinking one glass a day - make it 2 glasses a day.

You should feel the need to urinate more. If that is the case, add another glass of water to your daily water intake.

If, however, you don't have an increased need to urinate, cut back by half a glass and as you move forward increase your water intake more slowly. Instead of adding one glass at a time, add half a glass or even less until you reach your hydration goals.

As your tissues become more hydrated, your body will begin to remove the excess salt. Now is a good time to begin adding a tiny pinch of unrefined sea salt, like Celtic Sea Salt, to your water. If you can taste the salt, you have added too much. And don't worry - this will not cause water retention like typical table salt. Celtic sea salt tends to do the opposite due to it's electrolytes and balanced mineral content. Typical table salt often contains aluminum-based anti-caking agents and other additives that are linked to water retention, kidney problems, and high blood pressure. THIS is the type of salt to stay away from.

If you've been drinking enough "electrolyte-enhanced" water every day already, you might just be interested in how to enhance water absorption for the enhanced flexibility aspects:

In the morning, drink one glass of warm water. This will rehydrate you after not having any water for several hours and will help to remove any accumulated waste from nocturnal metabolic processes.

For better absorption, it is recommended to sip (versus gulp) room temperature water throughout the day to ensure that the fluid is absorbed and efficiently used as opposed to emptied quickly from the stomach.

As a general rule, water shouldn't be consumed too close to meals as this dilutes the hydrochloric acid in your stomach which helps with digestion. Water should be consumed 45-30 mins before each meal and 1-2 hours after each meal.

Drinking your salted/electrolyte-enhanced water after a massage, body work (including foam/body rolling), yoga and other stretching sessions is ideal. Your tissues are most responsive to water absorption after direct manipulation and treatment of the fascia.

Manage your stress. Both physiological and psychological stress can affect how we absorb water. Stress can actually make us more dehydrated. So relax, rehydrate, and release!

Remember: Healthy is the new HOT!�

Amira Lamb, of Holistic Hottie, Inc in New York City, has over 16 years experience as a certified group exercise instructor, personal trainer and Nutrition and Holistic Lifestyle Coach. She graduated with a BA from UMASS-Amherst and has worked for esteemed companies such as: the Sports Club LA, Crunch, Equinox and New York Sports Clubs. Amira is also is a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist and maintains certifications from National Academy of Sports Medicine, American Fitness Association of America, and the CHEK Institute.

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