Friday, January 20, 2012

For Superior Health and to Sleep More Efficiently, Here Is What to Eat and Not Eat

There has been quite a lot of research on the effect late night eating has on weight gain, and unfortunately there are conflicting views. There is a school of thought that says it doesn't matter when you consume fat, the body will deal with it the same, day or night. Other studies say that the time when you consume anything will have a great bearing on how your body processes it. They cite shift workers who eat at odd hours having a higher propensity to be overweight. Whatever argument you happen to adhere to, most of us eat something before bedtime, and what that is will have an important bearing on our weight.

So what will be some of the foods to first avoid at all costs, and then look toward for getting us through the long slumber? Some of the foods to avoid might actually be good for you, just not at that time.

1. Caffeine. Most people would not drink coffee before bedtime and expect to fall to sleep, but may be unaware that many foods, such as dark chocolate, have enough caffeine to keep you awake.

2. High fat foods. Foods heavy in oils and cheese will sit in the digestive tract while you are trying to sleep.

3. Nuts. Of course they're healthy, but their fiber can make digestion difficult, causing sleepless nights.

4. Ice cream. The sugar in ice cream, along with the sugar contained in any food like sweet cereals or candy, are not what you want in your system before going to bed.

5. Spicy foods. These foods by their nature can cause heartburn and stomach problems, plus they can instigate all sorts of issues as they cause endorphins to be released, making sleeping problematic.

6. Red meat. Because it takes the proteins and fat a long time to digest in red meat, it just will sit in your digestive tract, making sleep difficult.

By the way, healthy meal delivery plans have built-in snacks to account for those post-sleep hunger bouts. Now for some healthy late night snack options:

1. Popcorn. Fat-free microwave popcorn, or air-pop your own, and skip the butter. Instead experiment a little with spices, perhaps using a little cinnamon for sweetness, cayenne pepper for a little zest, or tangy lime powder. Let your imagination run wild, but use in moderation.

2. Fat free Greek yogurt. Fast becoming a popular wonder food, it is high in protein, low in sugar, and really fills you up. Add your favorite fruit.

3. Blueberries. A cup will give you vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Top with a little light whipping cream.

4. Crackers. Instead of nuts, but healthy varieties such a low-fat rye, multigrain Wasa crackers, or several other healthy alternatives. Add a small slice of lean lunch meat or light cheese.

5. Lean meat on whole wheat bread. Just keep it to reasonable portion size.

6. Water. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, water alleviates dehydration, which is one of the major reasons for hunger and cravings. Water and a little something else may be all you need.

A couple of final thoughts: it's a snack and not a meal, so keep it to less than 300 calories, and wait a minimum of one hour before heading to bed to give it some time to digest.

What you eat just prior to turning in for the night could determine just how well you sleep, and may have a bearing on your weight. A Meal Delivery Plan will take much of the guesswork out of the process, and our article Water Help You to Lose Weight points out the way to use water to control food intake. Rich Carroll is a writer and health advocate living in London.

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Some Suggestions to Eat More Fiber

In case you are serious about weight loss, you should definitely consider increasing your daily fiber intake.

Adding more fiber into your daily menu does not only help you keep your heart healthy and the blood cholesterol levels safe, but it's also a good way to increase the satiety you have between each meal.

People who are not eating enough fiber each day will often find that they will be hungrier between each meal they serve, so they will have a harder time reducing the calorie intake, thus weight loss will be significantly harder to achieve.

Below you have three suggestions so you can eat more fiber each day. Pay close attention to them, and see which one if not maybe all of them can be helpful.

Adding some frozen vegetables into soups

The first suggestion on our list would be to put some frozen vegetables in the soups you're preparing at home.
Frozen vegetables are perfect if you want to add bulk to your diet, however they don't significantly increase the calorie intake. I recommend tossing in some frozen broccoli, carrots, and some cauliflower about 2 or 3 minutes before you finish cooking the soup.

Put some berries in your protein shake

If you are like me, and you like to drink protein shakes (which are an excellent source of quality protein), then you might find it useful to toss in some berries in your usual protein shake.

Blackberries are incredibly rich in fiber so if you are able to add about half a cup in your protein shake, your daily fiber intake will definitely boost.

Another great benefit that berries have is that they are rich in antioxidants, so your body will be cleansed too.

Put some flax seeds into yogurt

I know your favorite snack is often a good old yogurt, but let's face it, it's not that rich in fiber. A good way to fix this problem would be to add a yogurt to a bowl of flax seeds. They are loaded with essential fatty acids which are a must for a good health.

But flax seeds provide other benefits too. They help you control the blood sugar levels, hence you won't suffer any energy crash after you eat a meal, which is often the case with so many foods available.

I hope by now you realize the importance of consuming more fiber each day and you find these tips useful. But don't forget, losing weight is not only about what you eat, it's also about what you do, so make sure you work out as often as possible.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

How to Maximize the Nutrition You Get From Your Fruits and Vegetables

I can remember so many times as a child my mother telling me that there was more nutrition in the "pot liquor" and in peels than is often found in the fruit or vegetable itself. By "pot liquor" I mean the nutrient rich vegetable broth after cooking them in some water. This is where the nutrition is really found.

Well, I just came across some tidbits that gives surprising information on five commonly used vegetable and fruits.

This article will explain how to get the maximum nutrition possible from your whole foods.

Celery tops

It's so funny because lately, I have been making lots of soup "from scratch" with celery. I often look at the stalks thinking that there most be more to get out on this veggie than only in the long pieces. Well, nutritionists confirm that there are five times more magnesium and calcium in the leaves than in the stalks. They are also chock full of vitamin C- and who doesn't need that vitamin this time of year? They are also full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Suggested use: chop up the leaves with parsley and sprinkle on fish, chicken and other poultry. It also makes great garnishment in soup.

Orange Peel

It's interesting to find that orange peels have more fiber than the fruit. It also is high in flavonoids, an antioxidant with anticancer and anti-diabetic compounds. Studies have also shown that these nutrients may even lower LDL cholesterol (the bad one).

Suggested use: grate and use on vegetables. Also, they are great garnishing desserts, cakes, pies, etc.

Broccoli leaves

Broccoli leaves are high in vitamin A and indoles which are cancer fighting compounds. They can also be a little gassy, as most people probably are aware. But the nutrition it provides make the discomfort worth it.

Suggested use: stir fry in olive oil and season to taste.

Watermelon rind

This was a biggie with my mother. I believe southern tradition includes cooking the rinds. USDA studies show that the rind is high in citrulline, an amino acid that helps dilate blood vessels which improves circulation.

Suggested use: blend the rind with lime and add sugar. For the adventurous, add rum, gin or vodka.


The thin outer skin is high in quercetin, an anti-inflammatory which reduces blood pressure and prevent plaque build-up in blood vessels.

Suggested use: Simmer in soups, stews and for gravy. Discard the skin before serving.

Sherl Wilsher is a nurse who is dedicated to writing about natural health and beauty topics. As the numbers of folks is growing who are tired of the adverse effects of chemicals, preservatives and drugs on health, these individuals are looking for sources of reliable information in educating themselves on important health topics.

For more information on health and beauty, please visit:

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5 Essential Tips to Follow the Raw Food Diet for Weight Loss

The raw food diet has become popular lately as a weight loss method. However, there are a lot of people who are frightened away by just the name. 'Raw food diet seems to suggest a person munching on fruits, vegetables, leaves and shoots all day long, much like our vegetarian cousins from the animal kingdom. It feels primitive, severe and radical, and almost impossible to practice. However, rest assured that there is nothing primitive about the raw food diet,and there are several tips to help you follow it in a very practical manner, in order to achieve your weight loss objectives.

Phase In the Diet

If you think that you are just going to wake up one morning and begin your raw food diet for weight loss all of a sudden, it is not going to happen. You will simply frustrate and intimidate yourself out of your effort within days if not hours. Besides, your digestive system will not be prepared to handle this sudden change, and you may confront all kinds of digestive problems.

It is a much better idea to phase into the diet gradually. Start by including raw food snacks (nuts and fruits) into your diet, and substituting fruits for processed sweets, every time you have a sugar craving. At the same time, include raw foods into your meals, like a portion of salad with your dinner or a smoothie for breakfast.

As the next step, you could replace one cooked meal with a completely raw one everyday. It could be breakfast, lunch or dinner. And then, when your body is used to the feeling of raw food items, you can make your complete switch.

Not 100% Raw

Bear in mind that raw does not mean 100% raw. It is virtually impossible for anyone to practice a 100% raw food diet for weight loss. People who follow this diet plan, keep their diet about 75% raw. The rest 25% covers social occasions where cooked delicacies rule the roost, the occasional treat as well as certain regular exceptions.

Talking about exceptions, you may decide to include a certain 'extra' to your raw food diet for health reasons. There is nothing wrong in that. For instance, a lot of people continue to have soy milk to cover their protein needs.

A Lot More than Smoothies and Salads

If you thought that the raw food diet simply meant smoothies and salads, you will be surprised to find the amount of variety that can be achieved. Even with regular ingredients, people have come up with several remarkably creative recipes and alternatives for regular food items. As an example, you can easily make a 'nut milk' at home as well as 'raw cheese'.

Go Organic

This is a crucial tip, if you are going to be eating raw. After all, you don't want your body saturated with deadly commercial pesticides! With vegan and raw food diets becoming more popular, organic fruits and vegetables are not so difficult to get anymore.

Have a Time Plan

It is best to start with a 4-week raw food diet weight loss plan to begin with. See how you react, and how much success you achieve. Then you can begin another 4-week cycle, or extend your next period to a 6-12 week plan.

Bear in mind that the raw food diet is not the only healthy diet plan for weight loss. A lot of people find that it simply does not suit them or make them happy. If you are one of those, don't worry too much about it. Simply try other weight loss ideas!

You have permission to publish this article without any change what so ever electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author by-lines are included.

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