Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Importance of Reading Food Labels

Do you read food labels?  This is the one thing that everyone needs to do.  If you are not doing this, then you are putting yourself at risk.  There are a lot of health risks that you can avoid if only you would bother reading food labels.  Perhaps, instead of comparing prices, you should now start reading the labels.  You will be able to save yourself the weight gain and health problems if you do so.

Be Cautious about Misleading Packaging

There are many people who base their purchase on how seemingly good a particular packaging of a product is.  Regardless of a product’s pretty packaging and fairly convincing advertising, you should not buy a certain product if you have not read its labels yet.  Do not buy into its highly-paid advertising and marketing campaigns.  Remember that it doesn’t mean it’s healthy just because the advertiser said it’s delicious.  You need to be wary of misleading advertisements.  You have to place your health as your top priority.

Many diseases like heart disease, strokes, cancer have resulted from unhealthy diet.  Ironically, these diseases are completely avoidable.  One only has to start reading food labels.  It is easier to maintain a healthy diet if one is aware of everything that he eats.  You will notice that you will find it easier to avoid certain foods if you are aware of the amount of calories, fats salt and sugar that they contain.

If you are already suffering from diabetes or hypertension, it is definitely a good idea to start reading labels now.  You will be able to avoid unhealthy foods if you know how much calories or fats you would be consuming with these foods.

Difficulty Reading Food Labels

Sometimes, it is hard to understand what the words in a food label means.  For instance, what does 100% organic means?  What does cage-free means?  What is a farm fish or a free range?  It is very important that you understand these things; otherwise, you wouldn’t know what they mean.  What is trans fat?  What is a saturated fat? Which kind is harmful?

If you really want to eat healthy, you really need to start reading food labels.  Eating healthy does not mean eating bad food.  You can still eat delicious foods – even sinfully delicious ones.  You just have to make sure that you are eating right and eating healthy.  You can do this by making sure that you only get the healthiest products in the market.

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