Friday, October 28, 2011

If You Have Good Nutrition, Weight Loss Will Follow

There are millions of Americans who are overweight or obese, and those who do have these problems either have, or are at a very high risk of developing, a number of other health problems. Obesity is one of the leading causes of death, and can bring about such diseases as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and other health issues. Unfortunately, it is pretty easy to become overweight, but it can often be incredibly difficult to lose weight, especially for those who have a lot of weight to lose. If you are overweight or obese, and know that you need to lose weight but have not been able to in the past, don't give up. It is possible to lose weight at any stage of your life, and get a whole lot healthier in the process. The key is your diet, or actually, not being on a diet at all. When you have good nutrition, weight loss is sure to follow, and you don't have to give up the foods you love.

Change Your Lifestyle, Lose Weight

For a lot of people, it is difficult to lose weight because of their lifestyle. Not getting enough exercise is a problem for a whole lot of people, as is not eating right. These are the two biggest stumbling blocks when it comes to weight loss. But because it is often difficult to pass up sweet treats, or it is easier to go to a fast food restaurant than it is to cook a meal at home, many of us are not getting the proper nutrition. And when you are not getting the right nutrients in your diet, but plenty of the wrong things, and not getting enough exercise, you are going to start packing on the pounds.

You have probably tried countless diets, only to fail within a few days, even though you had the best of intentions. The reason for this is usually because these diets are extremely restricted, and do not allow you to have any treats or do not give you enough food to feel full and satisfied. Instead of going on a diet, it is much healthier to make a lifestyle change and just start eating right. This has nothing to do with dieting at all. All you are doing is adding healthier foods to your diet and eliminating a lot of the processed foods and take-out meals, which are keeping you from being trim and healthy. And if you are eating healthily most of the time, it is alright to indulge in an unhealthy treat now and again.

When you change your eating habits, you will be adding certain foods to your diet that are great for burning calories. High protein foods are excellent for this, and something that we need to have anyway. Protein is a natural source of energy, and high protein foods help to burn many of the other calories that you are eating.
Protein is excellent for the health of our muscles, helping them to be strong and firm. High protein foods or drinks are excellent to have before and after working out for this reason, as well as the fact that they will also give you the energy for working out. When you have protein for nutrition, weight loss is going to be a lot easier.

You also need to start getting more exercise, even if it is only a little bit at first. If you are not exercising at all right now, it is a good idea to start out slowly; otherwise you are going to pay for it later with sore, stiff muscles and aching joints. Start out by taking a short walk around the block. If this is too much for you, only go as far as you can. Each time you walk, you will find that you can go a little bit further, until you are able to actually get a whole half an hour to an hour of exercise every day, which is what we all should be getting.

The Dietary Changes You Need To Make

If yours is not a healthy diet, then it is time to start making some changes, not only to lose weight, but to improve your overall health and make sure that you are healthy for many years to come. When you are eating the right foods, you are making sure that you are at much less risk of developing many diseases and other health problems. There are certain nutrients that you need to be getting from the foods that you eat, and when it comes to healthy foods, there are so many to choose from that even if you are a fussy eater, you are bound to find all kinds of healthy meals that you really love to eat.

It is important that we eat a lot of fresh foods, because this is where we get the most nutrients. Many fresh foods are loaded with the protein we need, such as meat, fish, poultry, dairy and whole grains, and you can also get lots of protein from many vegetables, which contain many other nutrients that we also need. If you are not getting all of the nutrients you need from the foods you are eating, even if you are eating healthily, you can also use dietary supplements, such as protein supplements, to make up for what is lacking. And with this type of good nutrition weight loss will not be far behind.

About Protica Research

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at

Copyright - Protica Research -

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Women Exercise Issues

Whether looking to lose weight, improve health or to stay in shape, exercise is an essential part of any woman's life. There are some unique benefits and unique challenges women face when incorporating exercise in to their daily lives. Let's take a look at some women exercise issues.

Benefits When Women Exercise

While exercise is beneficial to everyone, there are some specific benefits when women exercise on a regular basis. First off, it helps to lose weight. While not everyone needs to lose weight, many do. Eating lower calories alone will not do it, especially as a woman gets older. Metabolism slows down, and it needs a kick start. When women exercise on a regular basis, it helps to kick start the metabolism.

Health issues are another important reason for women to exercise. Regular exercise helps lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It also helps to strengthen bones and muscles which aids in slowing down osteoporosis, an issue that is much more prevalent in women.

Another great benefit when women exercise is the increase in mood stability. It helps release those wonderful endorphins. After a stressful day or even more so in the middle of a stressful day, exercise can help to stabilize your mood.

Does Women Exercise Needs Differ from Men Exercise?

On a general basis women's exercise needs do differ from those of men. Men are more likely to be looking to build muscle mass, whereas women are more likely to be looking to slim down and tone up. There are also differences in upper body strength and overall muscular capabilities.

How to Fit Exercise in to as Busy Lifestyle

One of the hardest things for women to come to terms with as they look at incorporating more exercise in to their lives are how in the world they are going to fit exercise in to their busy lifestyle. Let's face it; it's usually the woman who is running the kids around to sporting events and practices, music lessons, and more. They are typically the meal makers and the completer of many of the household chores. Add in their working schedule, and it can seem daunting.

The key is to make exercise a commitment. It's not about TRYING to fit it in; it's about MAKING it fit it. This is for the benefit of the woman...both in health and happiness. Make sure the whole family is on board with understanding the need for the woman of the house to exercise. If you can't make it to the gym or go out for a walk, consider doing things while you are in the course of your normal day. Stick an iPod on while you are doing household chores and dance away. Put in an exercise DVD while you are folding laundry. If you are going to your kids' practices, consider going for a walk while you are waiting to pick them up again. Or hard as it may be, wake up just a half hour early and go for a walk in the neighborhood or follow a videogame system fitness workout.

Ways to Keep Exercise More Fun for Women

Mix it Up - One of the biggest reasons women give up on exercise is that it gets boring. Don't let that happen! Mix up your exercise routines. Go to a yoga class one day a week (the breathing exercise are an EXCELLENT relaxation technique that is a bonus to the physical benefits), go rollerblading another day, and play a game of tennis on another. Another benefit of mixing up your exercise in addition to the relief of boredom is that it uses different muscles in your body - and helps keep the metabolism rate going when your are at varying heart rates as your exercise.

Try Something New - While in your quest to mix it up, try some totally new types of exercise. Maybe you've always wanted to learn to belly dance or know the latest hip hop moves...take a class and learn what it's about. If you've never felt the workout that boxing can be for your body, try it at the gym, and if you like it enough, install a punching bag in your garage. Incorporate some new exercises along with your tried and true favorites.

Get an Exercise Buddy - Let's face it, women tend to need to socialize more than men...and exercise can be lonely if you are by yourself. When women exercise with a buddy, they are more likely to stick with their exercise plan. Knowing that someone is getting out of bed at the crack of dawn just like you are...or that your friend is waiting at the racquetball court for you, makes you far less likely to blow off your exercise for the day.

Make it a Family Event - Along the same vein as having a buddy, exercising with the family can make your exercise plan more fun and therefore keep you motivated. Go on a family hike a couple of times a month. Take a family walk through the neighborhood every Sunday. Not only will it help keep you motivated, you will be setting excellent habits for your spouse and children.

Taking Care of Your Body When Exercising

When women exercise on a regular basis, they need to make sure they are taking good care of their bodies. Eat balanced meals that have proteins, good carbs, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. You've heard it a million times, but it's true...make sure you start your day with a good nutritious breakfast. Drink plenty of water - aim for at least 8 cups of water a day. As you are using your muscles and breaking down your muscle tissue, you will need to be sure you are repairing them as well. Make sure you are eating plenty of protein.

About Protica Research

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

You can learn more about Protica at

Copyright - Protica Research -

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Include These 3 Components in Your Exercise Routine to Improve Your Personal Fitness

If you've made the commitment to start exercising on a regular basis and are developing an exercise program, you need to create a program that focuses on the three aspects of fitness: endurance, strength and flexibility. To do so, you should develop a program that includes cardiovascular exercises, strength training and stretching. This will give you a well-rounded program that improves your personal fitness.

First, include cardio workouts. Cardio exercises help strengthen the cardiovascular system. That is, these exercises help strengthen the heart and lungs. They include: walking, running, rowing, swimming, boxing, kickboxing and others. Through strengthening the heart and lungs, these exercises help increase endurance. They also help the body burn calories and contribute to weight loss.

As a general rule, a regular cardio training program should consist of at least 20-30 minutes or more of exercise three - five times a week. The amount of exercise can be done either continuously or in short bursts throughout the day. For a cardio workout to be effective, the heart rate should reach 70-90 percent of your maximum heart rate (MHR). The maximum heart rate is the fastest rate at which your heart will beat in one minute. To calculate your MHR, use the formula 220-age.

Second, include strength training exercises. Strength training usually involves exercising with free weights in order to strengthen the muscles, bones and the connective tissue surrounding them. It is important since strength training builds up muscles, helping to increase the metabolism and reduce body fat. Strong muscles also aid in balance and injury prevention.

Strength training exercises focus on the different major muscle groups of the body. These include the back, shoulders, chest abdominals, legs and arms. Improving the strength in these muscles can be achieved with at least 8-15 repetitions for each set of exercises. A strength training regime can include two or three days of weight lifting a week, being careful not to exercise the same muscles two days in a row. This allows muscles to have a rest and recovery time.

Lastly, an exercise regime should include stretching exercises. Stretching exercises help promote muscle flexibility and improve movement. But, stretching is one component of fitness that people overlook the most.
Stretching can be incorporated into an exercise routine in a number of ways. Since it's best to do stretching exercises whiles the muscles are warm, stretching exercises can be done after completing a cardio exercises. Or, stretching exercises can be done while strength training. For example, stretching exercises can be performed in between sets of repetitions. A stretching routine can also be done independently of other exercises. Stretching exercises can be performed everyday.

To improve your personal fitness, include cardio, strength and stretching exercises into your new workout routine.

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Using Exercise and Nutrition to Prevent or Reverse Diabetes

With the epidemic levels that the world is facing right now, it is very important that people understand how to prevent, and reverse diabetes.

While there has been some success with certain medications treating diabetes, most people agree that the most effective way to reverse diabetes is a combination of exercise and proper nutrition.

Nutrition To Reverse Diabetes

The glycemic index is the secret weapon when figuring out your diet as a diabetic. This scale rates foods based on how much of a fluctuation they cause in your blood sugar levels. The lower the score, the less fluctuation the food causes, which makes it more beneficial, not only for diabetics, but for everyone. A diet consisting foods low on the glycemic index will not only help keep your blood sugar level, but also your mood, reducing "sugar highs" and crashes, help reduce cravings, and keep you feeling full longer. Whether you are trying to prevent or treat you diabetes, lose weight, or just feel healthier, low glycemic foods can be a big help. Foods scoring 55 or less on the scale, which is out of 100, are consider low glycemic foods. These typically consist of fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy, peanuts, grains, and beans.

Exercise To Reverse Diabetes

It is amazing that diabetes, the disease that is causing incredible health and financial struggles for people, is, in most cases, something that we cause ourselves. It is a lifestyle disease, and a big part of that lifestyle that causes it involves a lack of exercise. Exercise helps fight diabetes in a few ways, and comes with a lot of added benefits when it comes to your health. Exercise...

- Helps reduce body fat, which improves your bodies sensitivity to insulin
- Helps lower blood pressure
- Helps increase muscular strength
- Helps fight heart disease by improving cholesterol levels
- Increases energy
- Reduces stress

As you can see, exercise does a lot more than just help prevent or reverse diabetes. It can literally be a life saver. Many people get the diagnoses that are pre-diabetic or diabetic, and they try to shake it off like it is nothing. It is important to understand that it is a serious disease, and we need to do everything that we can to prevent and treat it. It is far more than just a disease that makes you take a shot. People have eye problems, often becoming blind, lose fingers and limbs, and develop many other health problems by not taking care of themselves.

Creating a low glycemic diet can be challenging. Check out Shakeology, a nutrient rich, low calorie drink that scores a 24 on the glycemic index. It can be a powerful tool in your fight against diabetes. If you are looking for some guidance with your exercise, or more information on fighting diabetes, check out the Reverse Diabetes page! Remember, diabetes is a lifestyle disease, which means that you can do something to prevent or fight it. Take it seriously, and don't wait until it is too late.

Yours in Success,

Joe Malone

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ways to Lose Belly Fat - Simple But Effective Methods Even a Dummy Can Implement

There is quite a number of ways to lose belly fat but the most effective ones are good food and exercises. In this short article, I am going to show you basically these two most efficacious ways to achieve this without having to subject yourself to some kind of unnecessary mortification of the flesh.

Do Not Starve

Honestly, punishing oneself by going without food is certainly not how to achieve success in this endeavor. That idea must have emanated from sense logic and not from any empirical proofs. I mean it is not based on any obvious result which have been proven and can stand the test of time. Rather, what we notice is that as people go hungry in a bid to lose weight, the body begins to adopt a defensive mechanism for survival. Let me explain.

The body has two enzymes that have to do with fat. The one known as fat-storing enzyme and the other, fat-releasing enzyme. The moment the body is starved of food, fat cells in the system begin to release more fat-storing enzymes as a way of protecting and shielding the body from losing fat by preventing the fat-storing enzymes from dispelling fat any longer. What then happens is that because the body's natural process of burning fat no longer takes place, the toll of hunger on the body begins to work on and depreciate the lean muscles of the body, hence the seeming loss of weight.

But this is far from providing the required solution with regard to burning fat. It is only artificial and not real. This is so because no fat had actually been burnt during the time of starvation. Instead, fat cells had stored them up and shielded them from being burnt off. Thus, the individual is back to square one.

Eat Fat Burning Diets

Anybody wishing to make an enduring success in fat loss will require fat burning diets to help the body's natural mechanism of burning fat to quickly melt away that persistent, ever-growing body or belly fat. They consist of protein, fiber, calcium and mineral-giving foods.

Foods to be Avoided

Processed foods, fatty-foods, fried foods, baked foods and high calorie foods are well-known agents of fat build up and anybody seeking how to lose fat must avoid them. These classes of food get stored up in the abdomen and increase the possibility of getting more belly fats as well as body weight.

Abs Work Outs

With the appropriate food regimen duly observed, abs work outs and aerobic exercises are another very effective ways of finally removing the remnant of fats in the belly, consequent upon adequate consumption of fat burning foods. Exercises thus finish and mop up all the fat residues in the belly and enable you regain the six pack abs that you had always wanted.

We have seen that eating fat-burning foods in adequate quantities, avoiding fat inducing foods and engaging in regular physical and abdominal exercises are the panacea and indeed the most effective ways to lose belly fat.

The author is passionate about providing practical solutions to problems of this nature. If you want more information on losing belly fat, go to, from where you can download this wonderful e-book or the video version that shows in graphic details, ways to lose belly fat. Also at STOMACH FAT LOSE, there are lots of very good weight loss and stomach fat products that will help you learn how to deal with the problem.

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Vibrating Weight Loss Machine - A Way to Reduce Your Weight

With the giant strides that humanity has been able to make in the field of technology, it is no wonder that one of the current ways to reduce your weight is via a vibrating weight loss machine. This machine has lived true to its name by helping a lot of people to win the fight against obesity and for others by providing an effective way to lose those pounds. Not only is this machine applicable to those who want to reduce their weight, but it has also found a wonderful use in helping those with spinal injuries to make great improvements on their road to recovery.

Convenient and economical way to slim:

For those who are tired of subscribing to various fitness centers, you are in luck when it comes to the vibrating machine. This is because of the fact that this equipment can easily be installed in your home and therefore provides a convenient way to reduce your weight without the pains of subscription fees in every month. This is certainly good news to the majority of us as you can schedule your own time on when you will be using it. Such benefits have led to the surging demand for this machine the world over.

Ease of use:

One of the reasons why people are falling over themselves in their rush to grab their own vibrating machine has to do with the fact that it is very easy to use and delivers excellent results. This is in contrast to other weight loss programs which take you through hell and back and still fail to deliver on their promises. In fact, the machine requires a little effort in using it and still manages to be quite effective in helping you reduce your weight.

Widespread application:

As a testimony to the wide application of the vibrating weight loss machine, you will spot it in the following popular centers: sports teams, entertainment spots, medical and therapeutic centers, universities and other institutions. This implies that a lot of people are waking up to the fact that there is a new kid on the block by the name of 'vibrating machine'. Although you can still use the equipment on its own and get a slimmer body, it is always advisable that you incorporate it with other aids e.g. a healthy diet and some daily exercise.

Other major benefits accrued from using this machine:

For one, you will be able to build your muscles much faster than if you were on a regular exercise program e.g. traditional exercise programs. Apart from this, your blood will circulate in a healthy way which lead to a lowering of your blood pressure and aids in reducing inflammation. Unlike other workout programs, the machine does not strain your joints which mean that you can use it for longer without fear of damaging your tissues. In addition, you will be more flexible if you use it frequently.

As you can see, the vibrating weight loss machine is a multi-purpose way to shed those pounds while still providing other health benefits to your body.

Now pay close attention to this!

More than 50% of the US population is considered overweight and this number is growing faster every year.

Also, around 90% of Americans believe that they have a healthy diet. They are wrong!

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Don't let the fad diets fool you! If you're really serious about losing weight and you want to kick your weight loss problem for good, then I suggest you Click Here Now

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Aerobics Classes A Healthy Choice

So maybe you have already decided to get fit and live a healthier lifestyle. Chances are you also already know that attending aerobics classes is a fabulous way to bring this desire or goal into fruition. Many persons have persevered, and as a result have reaped the many benefits that are to be had from this form of exercise.

First and foremost, you should have a qualified instructor helping you along and teaching you the steps. It is important that the instructor that you will work with is adequately qualified and certified as a trainer, or has a degree in exercise physiology.

Types of Aerobics Classes

This is a basic listing of the most common aerobic classes that are available. However, based on your location some of these types of classes may not be readily available.

Step Aerobics

This basically incorporates the use of a platform to facilitate stepping up and down while performing regular aerobic routines. The extra motion involved does allow you to burn much more calories. However if you have a history of joint problems, then step aerobics is not recommended.

Belly Aerobics

This method uses typical aerobics moves, but the main focus is on doing reps that tone and flatten the midsection of the body. This can involve moves such as twisting of the torso, belly dancing and sit-ups.

Aqua Aerobics

This is a great low impact routine, as being in the water provides little resistance. As a result, it is great for persons who because of health conditions are unable to exert themselves excessively but would still like to get in shape.


This is a high impact fitness class which combines facets of kickboxing, Tae-Kwan-Do and aerobics for a maximum workout.

Benefits of Aerobics Classes

The advantages of signing up for an aerobics class in your area are many. It is a well known fact that continuous exercise is the foundation for attaining and maintaining good health and a youthful appearance. However, the problem that usually surfaces is that most people find it hard to live up to an initial commitment to stick to a particular exercise routine. This is where aerobics classes come into play, as you will have the added benefit of exercising buddies who will motivate and encourage you to hang in there, especially when you feel like giving it up.

According to the Mayo clinic, joining an aerobic class can provide you with the following benefits:

- Increases your mobility
- Aids you in managing stress in a healthy way
- Helps greatly with weigh loss
- Enhances your mood and produces feel good endorphins
- Significantly reduces your risk of certain cancers

The majority of fitness classes or aerobic classes are structured to target the same group of large muscles consistently over a specific period of time, normally ranging from half an hour to an hour. During this time you should be able to participate in a conversation without feeling excessively winded.

Discover the advantages of living a healthy lifestyle and see the benefits that a well balanced diet can do for you. For more information about weight loss, healthy living, getting the proper diet and exercise and other useful health tips go to: Health Tips 101

Get Your "FREE" Daily Diet & Exercise Tips Newsletter Today! And For A Limited Time Get The Fantastic FREE Report "Better Health With Vitamins" And Discover How To Live Longer And Live Stronger!

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Keeping Fit to Give Yourself a Healthy Future

In today's health conscious world more and more people are taking their health seriously and taking active measures to keep themselves fit and in shape. With the news often dominated by stories of the obesity epidemic that's sweeping the nation, it's no wonder that people want to look after themselves and make sure that theirs and their family's futures are long and happy ones.

For most people, getting in shape means losing a bit of extra weight and this can be a lot harder to achieve than it first seems. By using the right type of fitness equipment you can give yourself the best chance of reaching your ideal weight, and machines such as treadmills and elliptical crosstrainers are some of the best to use. These are both excellent for use at home, as they are simple to use and give a fantastic all-over full body workout. Both machines will exercise most of the major muscle groups in your body, as well as providing an intensive cardiovascular workout. This is the key to losing weight - performing any exercise that increases your heart rate and oxygen intake for twenty to thirty minutes three times a week, will cause your body to start burning calories and therefore you will gradually begin to lose weight.

Once they've reached their ideal weight, many people are well and truly hooked on the fitness bug and look for other ways to improve their physique. Building a little extra muscle and muscle definition is normally fairly high on most people's list, and using the right sports supplements can really help. Protein shakes are by far the most common, and they can make a dramatic difference to any workout regime. By supplementing the amount of naturally forming protein that's found in the body, you give your muscles the very nutrient that it uses during its repair and regeneration process and this is when the muscles increase in strength and size. Taking a pre workout supplement such as creatine can also help by increasing the amount of energy you have during your workout, meaning that you can increase the intensity of, and by extension the gains from, any weightlifting workout.

While you're still getting use to your new fitness regime it can take your body a little time to adjust to the stresses and strains that you're putting it through, and during this time you can be prone to picking up injuries and niggles. Any soreness or injury should be taken seriously, and you should make an appointment at your nearest health clinic to have it checked out. Continuing to exercise can risk exacerbating the injury, putting you out of action for a long time.

So with a little bit of hard work, you can make a worthwhile change to your health and fitness. Picking an exercise routine that you enjoy is the key to making sure that you're as committed in three months time as you were on the day that you started. Before too long, you should start to notice the changes to your body and this can be a real motivator to keeping yourself going when times get tough.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Top 10 Foods That Will Improve Your Health

When it comes to improving your health, small changes can make a big difference. Whether you decide you want to take a multi-vitamin, go for a brisk walk or meditate it only takes one small change in your daily routine to make a significant difference in your overall health.

One of the best ways to get healthy is to add nutritious and vitamin rich foods to your daily diet. Here are the top 10 foods that will improve your health and well being.


Oatmeal is a heart healthy whole grain food that can lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. It is a complex carbohydrate that is slowly digested and chock full of vitamins and minerals including manganese, magnesium, selenium, folate and vitamin B1.


Wild salmon is a super food. It's a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid which is known to protect against heart disease, inflammation and cancer. Wild salmon is also an excellent source of vitamin D, B12, B6, selenium, niacin and magnesium.


Apples are one of the healthiest treats nature has to offer. They are filled with health promoting phytonutrients, flavonoids and dietary fiber which can help regulate blood sugar. Also, the pectin in apples can help promote a healthy bacterial balance within the intestines improving digestion and relieving tummy troubles.


Garlic has been used for hundreds of years for medicinal purposes and studies show it has the ability to help prevent heart disease, cancer, digestive upset, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. It can also provide protection against the common cold.

Wild Blueberries

Wild blueberries are tiny, tangy and delicious. These small robust little berries are a nutritional powerhouse. These anti-aging berries possess immense antioxidant activities which helps protect against cancer, urinary tract infections, vision problems and stroke.

Wheat Germ

Also referred to as wheat berry, wheat germ contains a substance known as phytosterols which can effectively reduce cholesterol levels. Wheat germ is also an essential source of health promoting nutrients including vitamin E, magnesium, tryptophan, omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber.

Flax Seed

Flax seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. This tiny seed is consumed in the form of ground flax meal or flax oil and contains omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Studies indicate that the lignans in flax seed can protect against the onset of various diseases including breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Lignans have also demonstrated the ability to reduce inflammation and support brain function.


For those individuals with digestion or immune problems yogurt is an excellent dietary food source. It is easy to digest, supports colon health and boosts immunity. The Probiotics found in yogurt contain friendly bacteria that colonize within the intestine to support and enhance digestion by breaking down foods and improving the overall functioning of the digestive system.


Broccoli is a super green food that supports the nervous system, immune system and digestive system. These small green florets contain vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A as well as potassium, riboflavin, magnesium and plenty of fiber.

A healthy diet that contains regular servings of broccoli can help prevent cancer, inflammation and oxidative stress within the body.


This heart healthy nut contains an array of health supporting phytochemicals that can reduce the risk of a heart attack, lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation. Almonds are also packed with immune supporting nutrients including magnesium, vitamin E, phosphorus, zinc and calcium.

These top ten foods can improve your overall health when consumed regularly along with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Take advantage of all that nature has to offer by indulging in some of the tastiest and healthiest foods on the planet.

Krista Tannahill is a writer and blogger at Health Tips Magazine.

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