Friday, October 28, 2011

Women Exercise Issues

Whether looking to lose weight, improve health or to stay in shape, exercise is an essential part of any woman's life. There are some unique benefits and unique challenges women face when incorporating exercise in to their daily lives. Let's take a look at some women exercise issues.

Benefits When Women Exercise

While exercise is beneficial to everyone, there are some specific benefits when women exercise on a regular basis. First off, it helps to lose weight. While not everyone needs to lose weight, many do. Eating lower calories alone will not do it, especially as a woman gets older. Metabolism slows down, and it needs a kick start. When women exercise on a regular basis, it helps to kick start the metabolism.

Health issues are another important reason for women to exercise. Regular exercise helps lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It also helps to strengthen bones and muscles which aids in slowing down osteoporosis, an issue that is much more prevalent in women.

Another great benefit when women exercise is the increase in mood stability. It helps release those wonderful endorphins. After a stressful day or even more so in the middle of a stressful day, exercise can help to stabilize your mood.

Does Women Exercise Needs Differ from Men Exercise?

On a general basis women's exercise needs do differ from those of men. Men are more likely to be looking to build muscle mass, whereas women are more likely to be looking to slim down and tone up. There are also differences in upper body strength and overall muscular capabilities.

How to Fit Exercise in to as Busy Lifestyle

One of the hardest things for women to come to terms with as they look at incorporating more exercise in to their lives are how in the world they are going to fit exercise in to their busy lifestyle. Let's face it; it's usually the woman who is running the kids around to sporting events and practices, music lessons, and more. They are typically the meal makers and the completer of many of the household chores. Add in their working schedule, and it can seem daunting.

The key is to make exercise a commitment. It's not about TRYING to fit it in; it's about MAKING it fit it. This is for the benefit of the woman...both in health and happiness. Make sure the whole family is on board with understanding the need for the woman of the house to exercise. If you can't make it to the gym or go out for a walk, consider doing things while you are in the course of your normal day. Stick an iPod on while you are doing household chores and dance away. Put in an exercise DVD while you are folding laundry. If you are going to your kids' practices, consider going for a walk while you are waiting to pick them up again. Or hard as it may be, wake up just a half hour early and go for a walk in the neighborhood or follow a videogame system fitness workout.

Ways to Keep Exercise More Fun for Women

Mix it Up - One of the biggest reasons women give up on exercise is that it gets boring. Don't let that happen! Mix up your exercise routines. Go to a yoga class one day a week (the breathing exercise are an EXCELLENT relaxation technique that is a bonus to the physical benefits), go rollerblading another day, and play a game of tennis on another. Another benefit of mixing up your exercise in addition to the relief of boredom is that it uses different muscles in your body - and helps keep the metabolism rate going when your are at varying heart rates as your exercise.

Try Something New - While in your quest to mix it up, try some totally new types of exercise. Maybe you've always wanted to learn to belly dance or know the latest hip hop moves...take a class and learn what it's about. If you've never felt the workout that boxing can be for your body, try it at the gym, and if you like it enough, install a punching bag in your garage. Incorporate some new exercises along with your tried and true favorites.

Get an Exercise Buddy - Let's face it, women tend to need to socialize more than men...and exercise can be lonely if you are by yourself. When women exercise with a buddy, they are more likely to stick with their exercise plan. Knowing that someone is getting out of bed at the crack of dawn just like you are...or that your friend is waiting at the racquetball court for you, makes you far less likely to blow off your exercise for the day.

Make it a Family Event - Along the same vein as having a buddy, exercising with the family can make your exercise plan more fun and therefore keep you motivated. Go on a family hike a couple of times a month. Take a family walk through the neighborhood every Sunday. Not only will it help keep you motivated, you will be setting excellent habits for your spouse and children.

Taking Care of Your Body When Exercising

When women exercise on a regular basis, they need to make sure they are taking good care of their bodies. Eat balanced meals that have proteins, good carbs, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. You've heard it a million times, but it's true...make sure you start your day with a good nutritious breakfast. Drink plenty of water - aim for at least 8 cups of water a day. As you are using your muscles and breaking down your muscle tissue, you will need to be sure you are repairing them as well. Make sure you are eating plenty of protein.

About Protica Research

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.

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